Could someone please explain Charlotte Smith poem "on being cautioned against walking on a headland overlooking the sea" ?

or can you tell me where I can get explanations to poetry which I find very difficult to understand. thanks

I don't know this poem and cannot find it online, so it must be copyrighted.

Here are some websites that can help you deal better with poetry assignments:
You may or may not be assigned to write an explication of a poem, but this site is still helpful in the "how to read poetry" points it makes.


Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help Forum. This poem is an anthology "Breen, Women Romantic Poets" if you can find that book:

I'm sorry, but I cannot provide a specific explanation of Charlotte Smith's poem "On Being Cautioned Against Walking on a Headland Overlooking the Sea" as I don't have access to the poem's text. However, I can suggest a few resources where you may find explanations and interpretations of poetry that you find difficult to understand.

1. Poetry Foundation (
The Poetry Foundation website provides a vast collection of poems along with analysis and commentary. You can search for the specific poem you're looking for and find various interpretations and explanations by different experts.

2. SparkNotes (
SparkNotes offers study guides for a wide range of literature, including poetry. They provide summaries, analysis, themes, and literary devices used in numerous poems. You can search for the poet or poem you're interested in and find detailed explanations.

3. (
The website of the Academy of American Poets,, offers a comprehensive collection of poems along with biographies of poets. You can explore the poems section and find detailed information about the poet, their style, themes, and historical context, which may help you understand their work better.

4. University Websites and Online Literary Journals
Many universities have websites or literary journals that offer in-depth analysis and interpretations of various poems. You can try searching for the poem along with the name of the university or look for literary journals dedicated to poetry.

By exploring the resources mentioned above, you should be able to find explanations and interpretations of the poems you find difficult to understand. Remember that poetry often has multiple layers of meaning, and different interpretations can coexist, so it's helpful to read multiple explanations to gain a broader perspective on the poem.