
An abstract noun name a(n)

A. place

B. thing

C. idea

My choice is thing.


The answer is idea bro

Actually, the correct answer is C. idea. Abstract nouns name concepts, feelings, qualities, or states that cannot be touched or seen physically. Examples of abstract nouns include love, happiness, bravery, and freedom.

Hello Jam,

Actually, the correct answer to the question " An abstract noun names a(n)?" is C. idea.

Abstract nouns are words that represent concepts, qualities, or ideas that are not physical or tangible objects. Examples of common abstract nouns include love, beauty, happiness, anger, and courage. These nouns cannot be directly perceived through the senses because they exist as intangible concepts or experiences.

To arrive at the correct answer, you can examine the options provided and analyze their meanings. In this case, "place" and "thing" are not associated with the nature of abstract nouns since they typically refer to physical objects or locations. On the other hand, "idea" aligns with the characteristic of abstract nouns because it denotes intangible concepts or thoughts.

I hope this clarifies your doubt. Let me know if you have any more questions!