In water refilling station, the time that a pipe takes to fill a tank is 10 minutes more than the time that another pipe takes to fill the same tank. If the two pipes are opened at the same time, they can fill the tank in 12 minutes. How many minutes does each pipe take to fill the tank?

have you forgotten how to solve an equation? Clear the fractions by multiplying by 12x(x+10) and you have

12(x+10) + 12x = x(x+10)
12x+120+12x = x^2+10x
x^2-14x-120 = 0
(x-20)(x+6) = 0

That help?

The pipes take x and x+10 minutes to fill the tank. So, how much of the tank is filled in one minute?

1/x + 1/(x+10) = 1/12
x=20, so the pipes take 20 and 30 minutes.

Thank you and the 30 how did you get?

Steve how did you get the 20

I ain't touching that one :)

How did you get the 30?

Oh come on.

the times are x and x+10


Now, what do you think x+10 is?