I need help with this problem please help with steps.



4u - 12u + 22

-8u + 22

To simplify the expression -u + 5u - 2(6u - 11), follow these steps:

Step 1: Start by simplifying the expression in the innermost parentheses.

Inside the parentheses, distribute the -2 to both terms: -2 * 6u = -12u and -2 * -11 = 22.

The expression now becomes: -u + 5u - 12u + 22

Step 2: Combine the like terms.

Combine the u terms: -u + 5u - 12u = (-1 + 5 - 12)u = -8u

The expression now becomes: -8u + 22

And there you have it. The simplified form of the expression -u + 5u - 2(6u - 11) is -8u + 22.