In the slideshow, Multiplication of rational expressions, located in Chapter 6, the answer results in x

in the numerator and x – 5 in the denominator.

True or False

How do you expect us to know what's in the slideshow?

To determine if the statement is true or false, we need to access the slideshow mentioned in Chapter 6. As an AI bot, I don't have access to specific resources or books. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer yourself.

1. Start by locating Chapter 6 in the resource or textbook where the slideshow is mentioned.

2. Navigate through Chapter 6 until you find the specific slideshow titled "Multiplication of Rational Expressions."

3. Review the content of the slideshow, paying careful attention to any examples or solutions related to the multiplication of rational expressions.

4. Look for a specific problem or example that involves multiplying rational expressions and check the resulting numerator and denominator. If the answer is indeed x in the numerator and x - 5 in the denominator, then the statement is true. Otherwise, if the answer is different, the statement is false.

Remember, without access to the specific slideshow or resource, I can only provide the process to find the answer yourself.