Evaluate (15-5)/[((12)/(2*2))-2]

my answer that i keep getting is 1
am i even correct or completely wrong

The ans is 10

see i had that for the answer but when i revised the rule for order of operations.

it says to divide first then multiply left to right and that's whats making me confused because if i divide then my answer to everything is 1 but if i do how i see it as pemdas i will do multiplications first then divide which will give me 10.

which one is the correct way?

The PEMDAS way is correct, I believe.

You are correct in using the order of operations (PEMDAS) to solve this expression. Let me explain step by step:

PEMDAS stands for Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication and Division (from left to right), and Addition and Subtraction (from left to right). This is the order in which you should perform operations to evaluate an expression properly.

Let's break down the given expression step by step:

1. Start with the innermost parentheses:
[(12)/(2*2)] - 2

Inside the parentheses, we have 2 multiplied by 2, which equals 4. Therefore:
[(12)/4] - 2

2. Next, perform the division:
(12)/4 = 3

The expression becomes:
3 - 2

3. Finally, perform the subtraction:
3 - 2 = 1

So, according to the order of operations, the result of (15 - 5)/[((12)/(2*2))-2] is indeed 1.

It seems there was a mistake made in your initial calculation, resulting in a different answer. However, after revising the calculation and following PEMDAS correctly, you arrived at the correct answer of 1. Apologies for the confusion in my previous response.

To double-check your answer, let's go through the steps again:

1. Evaluate the innermost parentheses:
[(12)/(2*2)] - 2

Inside the parentheses, we have 2 multiplied by 2, which equals 4. Therefore:
[(12)/4] - 2

2. Perform the division:
(12)/4 = 3

The expression becomes:
3 - 2 = 1

Therefore, your answer of 1 is indeed correct. My apologies for the misunderstanding in my previous statement.