Using the following conversion factors, determine the number of milliliters in a volume of 2.37 fluid ounces: 1 gallon (gal) = 128 oz., 3.785 x 10-3 cubic meters (m3) = 1 gal, 1 mL = 10-6 m3.

I got an answer 7.09ml, but it's incorrect, so confused how to covert those factors

To convert 2.37 fluid ounces to milliliters, we can use a series of conversion factors. Let's break down the process step by step:

Step 1: Convert fluid ounces to gallons using the conversion factor 1 gallon (gal) = 128 oz.

2.37 fluid ounces * (1 gallon / 128 fluid ounces) = 0.018515625 gallons

Step 2: Convert gallons to cubic meters using the conversion factor 3.785 x 10^-3 cubic meters (m^3) = 1 gal.

0.018515625 gallons * (3.785 x 10^-3 cubic meters / 1 gallon) = 7.026146875 x 10^-5 cubic meters

Step 3: Convert cubic meters to milliliters using the conversion factor 1 mL = 10^-6 m^3.

7.026146875 x 10^-5 cubic meters * (1 milliliter / 10^-6 cubic meters) = 70.26146875 milliliters

Rounded to the correct number of significant figures, the volume in milliliters is approximately 70.26 mL.

Therefore, the correct answer is 70.26 milliliters, not 7.09 mL.