
Thank you sooo much for helping:))))

ln ((y-9)/7) = x + lnx

(y-9)/7 = e^(x+lnx) = e^x * e^lnx = x e^x
y-9 = 7x e^x
y = 7xe^x + 9

Thank you so much:)) you saved my life!!!!

To find the value of y in the given equation "ln(y-9)-ln(7) = x+ln(x)", we can start by simplifying the equation using logarithm rules.

First, let's combine the logarithms on the left side of the equation using the quotient rule of logarithms:

ln[(y-9)/7] = x + ln(x)

Next, we can get rid of the natural logarithm on the left side by exponentiating both sides of the equation:

e^(ln[(y-9)/7]) = e^(x + ln(x))

The exponentiation function "e^x" cancels out the logarithm, so we have:

[(y-9)/7] = e^x * x

Now, we can isolate y by multiplying both sides of the equation by 7:

y - 9 = 7 * (e^x) * x

Finally, we can solve for y by adding 9 to both sides:

y = 7 * (e^x) * x + 9

Thus, the solution for y in terms of x is y = 7 * (e^x) * x + 9.