Peter is 8 years younger than Alex. In 9 years' time, the sum of their ages will be 76. How old is alex now?

peter is a-8

in 9 years,
(a-8)+9 + a+9 = 76

To solve this problem, we can set up equations using the given information.

Let's say the current age of Alex is A years.
According to the problem, Peter is 8 years younger than Alex, so Peter's current age is A - 8 years.

In 9 years' time, Alex's age will be A + 9 years, and Peter's age will be (A - 8) + 9 years, or A + 1 years.

The sum of their ages in 9 years' time will be 76, so we can write the equation:
(A + 9) + (A + 1) = 76

Simplifying the equation, we get:
2A + 10 = 76

Now we can solve for A, which is Alex's current age:
2A = 76 - 10
2A = 66
A = 66 / 2
A = 33

Therefore, Alex is currently 33 years old.