20 children go for a picnic in a bus. They are to sit 2 or 3 to a seat. There are 7 seats. How many seats will have 3 children seated on them?

seats with 2 on them --- x

seats with 3 on them --- y

x+y = 7 --- y = 7-x

2x + 3y = 20
2x + 3(7-x) = 20
2x + 21 - 3x = 20
-x = -1
x = 1

1 seat with 2 kids, 6 seats with 3 kids

(totally illegal where I live)

To find the number of seats that will have 3 children seated on them, we can solve this problem using basic division and multiplication.

First, let's calculate the total number of seats available on the bus. We are given that there are 7 seats in total.

Next, we need to determine the number of children who can sit in each seat. It is mentioned that the children can sit 2 or 3 to a seat. Therefore, we have two scenarios to consider: 2 children per seat and 3 children per seat.

Scenario 1: 2 children per seat.
In this case, we divide the total number of children by the number of children per seat (2) to find out how many seats are required.
Number of seats needed = Total number of children / Number of children per seat
Number of seats needed = 20 children / 2 children per seat
Number of seats needed = 10 seats

Scenario 2: 3 children per seat.
In this case, we again divide the total number of children by the number of children per seat (3) to determine the number of seats required.
Number of seats needed = Total number of children / Number of children per seat
Number of seats needed = 20 children / 3 children per seat
Number of seats needed = 6.67 seats

Since we cannot have a fraction of a seat, we round down the number of seats to the nearest whole number. Therefore, in this case, the number of seats needed for 3 children per seat is 6.

To answer the question, we have found that there will be 6 seats with 3 children seated on them.

To figure out how many seats will have 3 children seated on them, let's consider the number of children and the number of seats available.

We have 20 children and 7 seats.

Let's assume that all 7 seats are filled with 3 children each.

7 seats * 3 children per seat = 21 children

But we only have 20 children, so it's not possible to fill all seats with 3 children each.

Since we cannot have a whole number of seats with 3 children seated on them, we need to find the maximum number of seats that can have 3 children seated.

To do this, let's calculate the remaining number of children after filling as many seats as possible with 3 children each.

20 children - (7 seats * 3 children per seat) = 20 - 21 = -1

Since we have a negative number, it means that we cannot fill any seats with 3 children.

Therefore, the answer is 0 seats will have 3 children seated on them.