What 3 selections below were purposes that caused martin Luther King jr to write the Letter From the Birmingham Jail?

1- defend his actions
2- react to a statement
3- explain his religious views
4- share his opinions regarding segregation

my answers are 1,2,and 4

You are correct. The three purposes that caused Martin Luther King Jr. to write the Letter From the Birmingham Jail are:

1- Defend his actions: In the letter, King defends his nonviolent protests and civil rights activism, explaining the reasons behind his actions.

2- React to a statement: The letter was written in response to a statement made by eight white Alabama clergymen criticizing King's activities and calling for an end to the protests.

4- Share his opinions regarding segregation: King uses the letter as an opportunity to express his strong opposition to racial segregation and discrimination, and to advocate for racial equality and justice.

To determine which selections accurately represent the purposes that caused Martin Luther King Jr. to write the "Letter From the Birmingham Jail," you can analyze the content of the letter itself.

1. In the letter, Martin Luther King Jr. does indeed defend his actions. He explains why he and other civil rights activists engaged in nonviolent protests and why they were compelled to take action against racial injustice.

2. Martin Luther King Jr. does react to a statement made by eight white clergymen who criticized the civil rights protests in Birmingham. He directly addresses their concerns and disagrees with their perspective.

3. While religion does play a significant role in Martin Luther King Jr.'s life and activism, explaining his religious views is not a central focus of the letter. However, he does draw on religious principles such as justice and equality to support his arguments against segregation.

4. Sharing his opinions regarding segregation is another accurate purpose for writing the letter. King passionately expresses his views on the injustice of racial segregation and the urgency for equality and civil rights.

Based on this analysis, your answers are correct. The three selections that accurately represent the purposes behind Martin Luther King Jr.'s letter are 1, 2, and 4.

I agree.