What is the fewest number of 7's that can be added together to make their sum greater than 4000?

A) 4001
B) 572
C) 571
D) 470

7 x > 4000

x > 4000/7 or 571.4

571*7 = 3997 too small

572*7 = 4004, that will do

To find the fewest number of 7's that can be added together to make their sum greater than 4000, we start by dividing 4000 by 7.

4000 รท 7 = 571 remainder 3

This means that we can add 571 sevens together to get a sum of 3997 (571 * 7 = 3997).

However, we want the sum to be greater than 4000, so we need to add one more 7.

Thus, the fewest number of 7's that can be added together to make their sum greater than 4000 is:

571 + 1 = 572

Therefore, the answer is option B) 572.

To determine the fewest number of 7's that can be added together to make their sum greater than 4000, we need to find the smallest value that exceeds 4000 when multiplied by 7. We can start by dividing 4000 by 7 and rounding up to the nearest whole number.

4000 / 7 = 571.42857

Rounding up, we get 572.

Therefore, the fewest number of 7's that can be added together to make their sum greater than 4000 is 572.

So the correct answer is option B) 572.