If there are 5,280 ft=1.00 mile ,how many miles are in 50,000 ft?

50,000 ft (1 mile/5280 ft)

ft cancels and you have
50,000/5280 miles

to do unit conversions multiply so the units cancel

feet ( 1 miles/5280 feet) --- > miles

or the other way

miles (5280 feet/mile) ----> feet

Why do you think this is a chemistry question???

50,000 / 5,280 = _______________ miles

if the top is the same as the bottom, you are really multiplying by one, just in different languages :)

It is possible she got this a a unit conversion problem in chemistry. The way I did it is a chemistry and physics way.

mols/lter * molecules/mol


Oh. Thanks for the explanation, Damon.

To find out how many miles are in 50,000 feet, we need to divide 50,000 by the conversion factor 5,280 feet per mile. By dividing 50,000 by 5,280, we will get the answer.

So, let's calculate it: 50,000 feet รท 5,280 feet/mile = 9.47 miles.

Therefore, there are approximately 9.47 miles in 50,000 feet.