A baseball team played 149 complete games last season. They had 31 fewer wins than losses. How many games did the team win?

I'll be glad to check your answer.


That doesn't make any sense. Please reread the problem and try again.

I subtracted the 149 and 31??


They won less than half their games.

Then 15.5

How can you win half a game?

You're still way off.

x + x + 31 = 149

I thought you said 59?

To find out how many games the team won, we will first need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume the number of losses is represented by 'L'.
Since the team played 149 complete games, the total number of wins and losses would be equal to the total number of games played:
W + L = 149

According to the problem statement, the team had 31 fewer wins than losses:
W = L - 31

Now we can substitute the value of W from the second equation into the first equation:
(L - 31) + L = 149

Combining like terms, we have:
2L - 31 = 149

Next, let's isolate the variable by adding 31 to both sides of the equation:
2L - 31 + 31 = 149 + 31
2L = 180

Finally, divide both sides of the equation by 2 to solve for L:
2L/2 = 180/2
L = 90

So, the team had 90 losses last season.

To find the number of wins, we can substitute the value of L into the equation W = L - 31:
W = 90 - 31
W = 59

Therefore, the team won 59 games last season.