On her birthday today, Ali's age in months is twice her age in years 60 years from now. How old is Ali now, in months?

(A) 12 months
(B) 24 months
(C) 120 months
(D)144 months
Is it C?

To solve this problem step-by-step, let's assign some variables.

Let's represent Ali's current age in years as "x."

According to the given information, Ali's age in months, on her birthday today, is twice her age in years 60 years from now.

So, her age in years 60 years from now would be x + 60.

And her age in months today is 2 times her age in years 60 years from now, which is 2 * (x + 60).

Now we can set up an equation to solve for x:

x = 2 * (x + 60).

Let's solve it step-by-step:

x = 2 * (x + 60)
x = 2x + 120
x - 2x = 120
-x = 120
x = -120

We can see that the age "x" we found is negative, which means it is not a possible solution.

Therefore, there is no valid age for Ali that meets the given conditions in the problem.

Hence, none of the answer choices (A), (B), (C), or (D) is correct for this question.

To solve this problem, we need to set up an equation based on the given information.

Let's assume Ali's current age in years is "x." Therefore, her age in months would be 12x.

According to the problem, Ali's age in months, 60 years from now, will be twice her age in years. So, her age in months, 60 years from now, will be 2(x+60).

Since we know that her age in months today is twice her age in years, we can set up the equation:
12x = 2(x+60)

Now let's solve for x:

12x = 2x + 120
Subtract 2x from both sides:
10x = 120
Divide both sides by 10:
x = 12

So, Ali's current age in years is 12.

To find Ali's age in months, we substitute this value into the equation:
Age in months = 12 * 12 = 144 months

Therefore, the correct answer is (D) 144 months.