Although the famous Christopher Columbus is usually credited with "discovering" the Americas, our confinement was actually first discovered thousands of years before Columbus in 40,000 B.C.

___ Q. Counted among these civilizations are the Aztec and Mayans, the remains of which are still being excavated today.
___ R. When they arrived on our continent, these people were mainly hunters, using tools and flint weapons.
___ S. Slowly, however, hunting evolved into farming and the people developed crops such as corn and squash.
___ T. Eventually these small groups of farmers developed complex civilizations.
___ U. A group of early explorers are believed to have literally walked here across the ocean from what is now Asia to Alaska by walking across a "land bridge" that existed at the time.


I'll be glad to check your answers.

Oh sorry. I think it should be U, R, S, T, Q.

Yes! All of your answers are right.

Thank you!

You're welcome.

The correct chronological order is:

U. A group of early explorers are believed to have literally walked here across the ocean from what is now Asia to Alaska by walking across a "land bridge" that existed at the time.
R. When they arrived on our continent, these people were mainly hunters, using tools and flint weapons.
S. Slowly, however, hunting evolved into farming and the people developed crops such as corn and squash.
T. Eventually, these small groups of farmers developed complex civilizations.
Q. Counted among these civilizations are the Aztec and Mayans, the remains of which are still being excavated today.

To determine the correct order, we need to look at the information provided in each statement and identify the sequence in which these events occurred.

Statement U talks about early explorers walking from Asia to Alaska using a land bridge. This event likely predates the arrival of hunters mentioned in statement R.

Statement R mentions the arrival of people who were mainly hunters, using tools and flint weapons. This event likely follows the early explorers mentioned in statement U.

Statement S indicates that hunting evolved into farming and the development of crops like corn and squash. This transition in lifestyle likely occurred after the arrival of hunters mentioned in statement R.

Statement T states that the small groups of farmers eventually developed complex civilizations. This development would have happened after the transition from hunting to farming mentioned in statement S.

Statement Q highlights the Aztec and Mayan civilizations, which are examples of the complex civilizations mentioned in statement T. Therefore, this is the final event mentioned in the sequence.

By considering the information provided in each statement, we can determine the chronological order as U, R, S, T, Q.