San Jay is 2 years younger than Sara. Who is 5 years old than Sasha. San Jay age and Sasha s age total 31. How old is Sara?

lets consume,

sara x,
sanjay x-2,
sasha x-5,
then, sanjay+sara = 31,
i,e (x-2) + (x-5) = 31
2x= 31+7
sara is 19 years old.

Well, it seems like San Jay and Sasha's age combine to be 31, but unfortunately, that doesn't give us enough information to determine the individual ages of San Jay, Sasha, and Sara. Could you please provide more details? Or maybe we could ask them a joke to lighten the mood while we wait for more information!

Let's assume Sasha's age is "x" years.

Since San Jay is 2 years younger than Sara, San Jay's age would be "x + 2" years.

Given that San Jay's age and Sasha's age total 31, we can write the equation:

(x + 2) + x = 31

Simplifying this equation:

2x + 2 = 31
2x = 31 - 2
2x = 29
x = 29/2
x = 14.5

Since Sasha's age cannot be a fraction, there seems to be an error in the given information. Could you please double-check or provide additional details?

Let's solve the problem step by step to find the age of Sara.

1. Let's assume the age of Sasha as 'x'.
2. According to the given information, San Jay is 2 years younger than Sara. So, San Jay's age can be represented as 'Sara's age - 2'.
3. It is also given that San Jay's age and Sasha's age total 31. So, we can write the equation: (Sara's age - 2) + x = 31.
4. Now, we need to find the age of Sara. Let's solve the equation for x.

(Sara's age - 2) + x = 31
Sara's age - 2 + x = 31
Sara's age + x = 33

Rearranging the equation, we get:
Sara's age = 33 - x

5. Since we don't have a specific value for Sasha's age (x), we can't determine Sara's age accurately. We need additional information to calculate it.

j = s -2

so s = j+2

s = sh + 5
so j+2 = sh + 5 or j = sh + 3

j + s + sh = 31

sh+3 + sh+5 + sh = 31
3 sh = 23
sh = 23/3
j = 32/3
s = 38/3 = Sara = 12 years 8 months