consider k(t)=(e^t)/(e^t-7) on[-7,7]

Is this function continuous on the given interval? If it is continuous, type "continuous". If not, give the t -value where the function is not continuous.

The function is not continous and it is not continous on 7 (which is the t=value). Am I right?


when t=7, your denomintor is e^0 which is 1, the numberator is e^7, so you would have a value of

e^7/1 or e^7

Is your denominator ((e^t)-7) or (e^(t-7))? The difference is important: if it's the first of these, the function would be discontinuous at t=ln(7). If it's the second, then it's not discontinuous over the range given.

Yes, you are correct. The function k(t) is not continuous at t = 7.

To determine if a function is continuous on a given interval, we need to check three conditions:

1. The function is defined at every point within the interval.
2. The limit of the function exists at every point within the interval.
3. The value of the function at each point within the interval is equal to its limit.

In this case, the function k(t) is defined for all values of t within the interval [-7, 7]. So, the first condition is satisfied.

To check the second condition, we need to determine the limit of k(t) as t approaches 7 from both directions. Let's calculate the limits separately:

As t approaches 7 from the left (t → 7-):
lim (t → 7-) k(t) = lim (t → 7-) (e^t) / (e^t - 7) = (e^7) / (e^7 - 7)

As t approaches 7 from the right (t → 7+):
lim (t → 7+) k(t) = lim (t → 7+) (e^t) / (e^t - 7) = (e^7) / (e^7 - 7)

Since both the left and right limits are equal, the limit of k(t) as t approaches 7 exists.

Finally, to check the third condition, we need to evaluate k(7) and compare it with the limit we just found.
k(7) = (e^7) / (e^7 - 7)

Since the limit and function value are not equal, the function is not continuous at t = 7. Therefore, you are correct in identifying 7 as the t-value where the function is not continuous.