the two basic parts of crime report are the:

a. face sheet and the narrative section
b. narrative section and fact sheet
c. statistical section and fill in the blank section
d. information section and the fact sheet.

is it B

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what the two basic parts of a crime report typically consist of. A crime report is a document that provides a detailed account of a crime or an incident. It is generally prepared by law enforcement agencies and contains information related to the incident.

The options given are:
a. Face sheet and the narrative section
b. Narrative section and fact sheet
c. Statistical section and fill in the blank section
d. Information section and the fact sheet.

The face sheet is a cover page or front page of the crime report that usually includes incident details such as the date, time, and location. On the other hand, the narrative section provides a detailed written description of the incident, including what happened, who was involved, and how it occurred.

The fact sheet, if included, typically contains summary information such as the names of individuals involved, their identification details, any witnesses, and other pertinent facts.

Based on this information, the correct answer would be option B: The two basic parts of a crime report are the narrative section and the fact sheet.