How many values of x satisfy the equation: sin⁡x=x^2/(625π^2 )?

Since sinx is always less than 1, you need to find where

x^2/625 >= 1

There will be no solutions past that. Looks like you don't need to look beyond x=25. So, how many periods does sinx have in that domain?

Looks like 4, positive and negative, so I expect there are 15 or 16 solutions. Check near x = ±25


To determine the number of values of x that satisfy the equation sin(x) = x^2/(625π^2), we need to analyze the behavior of each side of the equation.

1. Range of sin(x):
The range of the sine function is -1 to 1. Therefore, for any value of x, sin(x) will always be between -1 and 1.

2. Range of x^2/(625π^2):
The range of x^2/(625π^2) depends on the value of x^2. Since x^2 can be any positive number, the range of x^2/(625π^2) is from 0 to positive infinity.

From the above analysis, we can conclude that there are no values of x that satisfy the equation sin(x) = x^2/(625π^2).

To find the number of values of x that satisfy the equation sin⁡x = x^2/(625π^2), we need to consider the graph of each side of the equation.

First, let's rearrange the equation and plot the graphs for comparison.

sin⁡x = x^2/(625π^2)

To plot the graph of sin⁡x, we can use a graphing software or online tool, or simply refer to the graph of the sine function. For values of x from -2π to 2π, the graph of sin⁡x will oscillate between 1 and -1, crossing the x-axis at x = 0, π, and 2π.

To plot the graph of x^2/(625π^2), we can first simplify it by dividing both numerator and denominator by π^2:

x^2/(625π^2) = (x^2/625)/(π^2)

Now, x^2/625 will be a parabolic graph with its vertex at the origin (0, 0) and opening upwards.

Next, we take the ratio of x^2/625 and π^2. This means the graph of x^2/625π^2 will stretch the parabolic graph vertically by the factor of 1/π^2 = 1/(3.14)^2 ≈ 0.101.

Comparing the graphs of sin⁡x and x^2/(625π^2), we can see that the parabola is much steeper than the sine wave. Therefore, there will be multiple points of intersection due to the fast growth of the parabola.

To find the exact values of x that satisfy the equation, we can use numerical methods such as Newton's method or the bisection method. These methods involve iteration and approximation to find the precise solutions. However, determining the exact number of solutions may be challenging without using a computer algorithm or calculator.

In general, to find the number of solutions, we can analyze the trends, range, and period of the two functions involved in the equation. By comparing the behavior of the functions, we can estimate the number of intersections.

In this specific case, since the parabolic graph grows rapidly, there will likely be more than two solutions. One solution is already evident from the graph, which is near x = 0. However, to determine with certainty the number of solutions, it would be best to use numerical methods or technology that can provide accurate approximations.