The origins of the American prison system can be traced to:

A. Henry VIII
b. the influence of the Quakers
c. Civil war
D. legacy of Hammurabi

is it A

Yes you are correct


The correct answer is B. The influence of the Quakers.

To determine the correct answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Understand the question: The question is asking about the origins of the American prison system.

2. Eliminate irrelevant options: Options A, C, and D are not directly related to the origins of the American prison system. We can eliminate them.

3. Evaluate the remaining options: Option B, "the influence of the Quakers", is directly related to the question. The Quakers, a religious group known for their beliefs in humane treatment and rehabilitation, played a significant role in the development of the American prison system.

4. Confirm the answer: To validate the answer, you can further research the Quakers' influence on the American prison system. You will find that Quakers, like William Penn, advocated for reforming the harsh punishment methods of the time and focused on creating prisons as places of reflection and rehabilitation.

Based on this research and evaluation process, the correct answer is B, the influence of the Quakers.