100 = mgh

100 = 10(9.81)h
H = 1.02m

To get the answer to the equation 100 = mgh, we need to first understand the variables involved. In this case, m represents the mass of an object, g represents the acceleration due to gravity, and h represents the height of the object.

The equation 100 = mgh is derived from the potential energy formula, where potential energy (PE) is given by PE = mgh. In this equation, m represents the mass of the object, g represents the acceleration due to gravity, and h represents the height.

Now, we can solve for h by rearranging the equation and plugging in the given values.

100 = mgh
100 = 10(9.81)h (Note: The acceleration due to gravity on Earth is approximately 9.81 m/s^2)
100 = 98.1h

To isolate h, divide both sides of the equation by 98.1:

100/98.1 = h

Simplifying the expression on the left side:

h ≈ 1.02 meters

Therefore, the value of h is approximately 1.02 meters.