Five interview questions tobe used to evaluate the understanding of a service delivery protest by learners

1. Can you explain what a service delivery protest is and why it occurs?

2. What are some common challenges or issues that often lead to service delivery protests?

3. How do service delivery protests impact the community and the government?

4. Can you describe any strategies or tactics that are commonly used during service delivery protests?

5. What are some potential long-term solutions to address the underlying issues that lead to service delivery protests?

When evaluating the understanding of a service delivery protest by learners, here are five interview questions you can use:

1. Can you explain what a service delivery protest is?
To assess their understanding of the concept, ask them to define what a service delivery protest is in their own words. Look for key elements, such as the reasons behind the protest, who participates in it, and the desired outcomes.

2. What are some common issues that lead to service delivery protests?
This question aims to test their knowledge of the underlying causes of such protests. Evaluate if they can identify common problems such as lack of basic services (e.g., water, electricity, sanitation), poor infrastructure, corruption, or inadequate governance.

3. How do service delivery protests impact communities and society as a whole?
This question explores the broader consequences of these protests. Look for answers that demonstrate an understanding of the social, economic, and political impacts, including disruption of daily life, damage to infrastructure, or changes in government policy.

4. What are some strategies or methods used by protesters during service delivery protests?
This question tests their familiarity with the tactics employed during these protests. Consider if they mention peaceful demonstrations, marches, sit-ins, road blockades, or any other non-violent forms of civil disobedience.

5. How can the government or relevant authorities respond to service delivery protests?
Evaluate their grasp of potential solutions or approaches in addressing these protests. Look for answers that include ideas like constructive engagement, dialogue, tackling the root causes, improving service delivery, or implementing policy reforms.

Remember, while evaluating their responses, it is also important to consider the context and the depth of knowledge expected from the learners.