The combined gas law can be rearranged to solve for T2. In which of the expressions given below has the combined gas law correctly been rearranged to solve for T2?

No expressions given. But that's just a little algebra. I'll be glad to check you work.

To solve for T2 using the combined gas law, we need to rearrange the equation to isolate T2 on one side. The combined gas law is given by:

(P1 * V1) / T1 = (P2 * V2) / T2

To solve for T2, we need to move all terms involving T2 to one side of the equation and all other terms to the other side.

Let's evaluate the expressions given below to see if any of them have correctly rearranged the combined gas law to solve for T2:

a) T2 = (P2 * V2 * T1) / (P1 * V1)
b) T2 = (P1 * V1 * T2) / (P2 * V2)
c) T2 = (P1 * V2 * T1) / (P2 * V1)

By comparing each expression with the original combined gas law, we can determine if any of them have correctly rearranged the equation to solve for T2.

Expression (a) does not match the original combined gas law equation. The terms involving T2 are not isolated on one side of the equation.

Expression (b) correctly rearranges the combined gas law equation to solve for T2. The terms involving T2 are isolated on one side, which is the desired result.

Expression (c) does not match the original combined gas law equation. The placement of variables is incorrect, and the equation does not correspond to the rearranged form.

Therefore, the expression that correctly rearranges the combined gas law to solve for T2 is:

T2 = (P1 * V1 * T2) / (P2 * V2)

To determine which expression correctly rearranges the combined gas law to solve for T2, we need to know the original combined gas law equation. The combined gas law is expressed as:

(P1 * V1) / (T1) = (P2 * V2) / (T2)

To solve for T2, we need to isolate it on one side of the equation. Here's the correct rearrangement:

T2 = (P2 * V2 * T1) / (P1 * V1)

Make sure to double-check if any of the expressions provided match this rearrangement.