The barometric pressure recorded by a weather balloon is 0.731 atmoshperes (atm). Express this barometric pressure in millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

0.731 atm x (760 mm/1 atm) = ?

Note how the atm unit cancels (the unit you don't want) so the answer comes out in mm (the unit you want to keep).

To convert the barometric pressure from atmospheres (atm) to millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), you can use the following conversion factor:

1 atm = 760 mm Hg

So, to express the barometric pressure of 0.731 atm in mm Hg, you can multiply it by the conversion factor:

0.731 atm × 760 mm Hg/atm = 555.56 mm Hg

Therefore, the barometric pressure of 0.731 atm is approximately 555.56 mm Hg.

To convert the given barometric pressure from atmospheres (atm) to millimeters of mercury (mm Hg), you need to use the appropriate conversion factors.

1 atmosphere (atm) is equivalent to 760 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).

So, to convert from atm to mm Hg, multiply the given value by the conversion factor:

0.731 atm * 760 mm Hg/atm = 555.76 mm Hg

Therefore, the barometric pressure of 0.731 atmospheres (atm) is equivalent to 555.76 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg).