Can someone please explain to me what a legislation is. I have looked at numerous websites, and I am very confused.

Is it a law that has been passed? Or are there different types of legislation.

Can you give me an example of a legislation?

Thank you

Thank you for using the Jiskha Homework Help forum. When you encounter a word that you don't understand, never forget a good dictionary!

Main Entry: leg·is·la·tion
Pronunciation: "le-j&s-'lA-sh&n
Function: noun
Date: circa 1655
1 : the action of legislating; specifically : the exercise of the power and function of making rules (as laws) that have the force of authority by virtue of their promulgation by an official organ of a state or other organization
2 : the enactments of a legislator or a legislative body
3 : a matter of business for or under consideration by a legislative body


I know what the dictionary says, but there are different types of legislation, correct? I need to identify a type of legislation linked to a Native American issue, and I do not understand. WOuld it be the name of the bill that was passed?

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Certainly! I'd be happy to explain what legislation is.

Legislation refers to the process of making laws, as well as the laws themselves that are enacted by a government or a governing body. It is the primary method through which a society or a country regulates various aspects of its functioning.

In general, a legislation starts as a proposal or a bill that is introduced by a member of the legislative body, such as a senator or a representative. The bill goes through a series of steps, including debates, revisions, and votes, before it can become a law. This process may vary depending on the country and its specific political system.

Once a bill is passed by the legislative body and signed by the appropriate authority, it then becomes a law. The enacted legislation is legally binding and enforceable by the government and its agencies.

Different types of legislation can exist, depending on the scope and purpose. Some common types include:

1. Statutes: These are laws that are passed by the legislative body at the national or federal level. For example, the U.S. Congress passing the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is an example of a statute.

2. Regulations: These are rules developed by government agencies to provide specific guidance on how laws should be implemented. For instance, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issuing regulations on water pollution standards is an example of regulatory legislation.

3. Ordinances: These are laws passed by a city or municipality to address local matters. For example, a city council passing an ordinance to regulate noise levels in residential areas is an example of local legislation.

It's important to note that the term "legislation" can be used broadly to encompass all types of laws, regardless of their level or scope.

I hope this clarifies the concept of legislation for you!