Mercury is a metal, which is liquid at room temperature. Its melting point of alcohol is 39 Celsius the freezing point of alcohol is-114 Celsius. how much warmer is the melting point of mercury than the freezing point of alcohol?

39 + 114 = ?

To determine how much warmer the melting point of mercury is compared to the freezing point of alcohol, we need to find the temperature difference between the two points.

First, let's subtract the freezing point of alcohol (-114°C) from the melting point of mercury (room temperature). However, "room temperature" can vary, so let's take an average value of around 25°C (since you mentioned "at room temperature").

25°C - (-114°C) = 25°C + 114°C = 139°C.

Therefore, the melting point of mercury is approximately 139 degrees Celsius warmer than the freezing point of alcohol.