A parking lot contains motorcycles (2 wheels) and cars (4 wheels). There are 35 vehicles and 114 wheels. How many motorcycles and cars are


m+c = 35

2m+4c = 114

In a full parking lot, there are 35parking spots and 80 wheels. How many cars are there and how many motorcycles are there?


To find the number of motorcycles and cars in the parking lot, let's assume that x represents the number of motorcycles and y represents the number of cars.

1. Set up equations based on the given information:
- We know that there are a total of 35 vehicles, so the sum of motorcycles and cars should be 35:
x + y = 35

- We also know that the total number of wheels is 114. Since motorcycles have 2 wheels and cars have 4 wheels, we can calculate the total number of wheels using the number of motorcycles (x) and cars (y):
2x + 4y = 114

2. Now we have a system of equations:
x + y = 35
2x + 4y = 114

3. We can use substitution or elimination methods to solve these equations. Let's use the substitution method here:
- Rearrange the first equation: x = 35 - y
- Substitute this expression for x in the second equation:
2(35 - y) + 4y = 114
70 - 2y + 4y = 114
2y = 44
y = 22

4. Now that we know y (the number of cars), we can substitute this value back into the first equation to find x (the number of motorcycles):
x + 22 = 35
x = 35 - 22
x = 13

Therefore, there are 13 motorcycles and 22 cars in the parking lot.