A jet flew at an average speed of 480 mph from Point X to Point Y. Because of head winds, the jet averaged only 440 mph on the return trip, and the return trip took 30 minutes longer. How many hours was the flight from Point Y to Point X? how far is it from Point X to Point Y?

How many hours was the flight from Point Y to Point X?

since distance = speed * time,

480t = 440(t + 1/2)
40t = 220
t = 5.5

So, it took 5.5 hrs at 480 mph, and 6 hrs at 440 mph.

I figure you can do the rest now.

To find the time for the flight from Point Y to Point X, we need to use the formula Time = Distance / Speed.

Let's denote the distance from Point X to Point Y as "d".

On the outbound trip from Point X to Point Y, the jet traveled at an average speed of 480 mph. So the time for the outbound trip is given by Time_XY = d / 480.

On the return trip from Point Y to Point X, the jet traveled at an average speed of 440 mph. We know that the return trip took 30 minutes longer than the outbound trip. Since 30 minutes is equivalent to 0.5 hours, we can express the time for the return trip as Time_YX = d / 440 + 0.5.

Now we set up an equation using the information given: Time_YX = Time_XY + 0.5.

Substituting the values we have, we get d / 440 + 0.5 = d / 480.

To solve for "d", we can multiply both sides of the equation by the LCM (Least Common Multiple) of the denominators, which is 5280.

5280 * (d / 440) + 5280 * 0.5 = 5280 * (d / 480).

12d + 2640 = 11d.

d = 2640.

Therefore, the distance from Point X to Point Y is 2640 miles.

To find the time for the flight from Point Y to Point X, we substitute the value of "d" into Time_YX = d / 440 + 0.5.

Time_YX = 2640 / 440 + 0.5.

Time_YX = 6 + 0.5.

Time_YX = 6.5 hours.

So, the flight from Point Y to Point X took 6.5 hours.