Select all the statements that apply to the sentence below.

She did not believe that he actually knew the rules of bowling.

-The sentence contains a gerund. <Yes, because of "bowling"
-The sentence contains a present participle.
-The sentence contains a past participle.
-The sentence contains a noun clause with a gerund inside it.

I think that's the only option I have to choose but I'd like to make sure my answer is right.
Thank you!

I think the second choice should be

-The sentence contains a noun clause with a gerund inside it.
Am I right?

Yes, right!

The word "that" introduces the noun clause in this sentence, and the noun clause serves as the direct object of the verb "believe."

Thank you so much for your help!

You're welcome. =)

You are correct! The sentence contains a noun clause with a gerund inside it.

To analyze the sentence:

1. The main clause is: "She did not believe."
2. The noun clause is: "that he actually knew the rules of bowling."
3. The gerund in the noun clause is: "bowling."

Therefore, the correct statement from the options is:
- The sentence contains a noun clause with a gerund inside it.

There's one more that's correct. Use the process of elimination if it doesn't jump out at you. Let me know.