In the following sentence identify the function of the infinitive (phrase).

Is it too expensive to travel to Europe?

My list of answers contains:
Adverb, subject, direct object, adjective, object of preposition, and predicate noun.

I chose predicate noun.

Also, if an adjective precedes an infinitive like it does in this case, how can I determine its function?

Thank you!

To determine the function of the infinitive phrase in the sentence "Is it too expensive to travel to Europe?", we can analyze the sentence structure and the role of the infinitive phrase within it.

In this case, the infinitive phrase is "to travel to Europe." It functions as the object of the adjective "expensive."

To identify the function of an adjective that precedes an infinitive, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the adjective: In this case, the adjective is "expensive."

2. Identify the word or phrase that the adjective modifies: The adjective "expensive" modifies the noun "it."

3. Determine the function of the word or phrase modified by the adjective: In this sentence, "it" is the subject of the sentence, and the infinitive phrase "to travel to Europe" functions as the object of the adjective "expensive." The adjective is describing how expensive it is to travel to Europe.

Therefore, the function of the infinitive phrase in the sentence is as the object of the adjective "expensive."

Wow, that sounds complicated. Thank you for your help!

You are correct. The adjective "too" modifies "expensive."

I disagree. "Expensive" is an adjective, it can only be modified by an adverb. In this case, "too."

The infinitive phrase is an appositive. There is no predicate noun; there is a predicate adjective (expensive)

The basic sentence is

It is expensive.
The appositive makes it equivalent to:
To travel is expensive.

So, the phrase functions as the subject.