Remplissez les tirets avec la bonne forme de "lequel" If my answers are correct

1. Margo revait de sa soeur pour___ il avait de l'admiration

2. Voila une solution_____ je n'ai jamais pense(a)

3. Tout le monde admirait celle fille ______ on citait des poemes fantastiques

4. La jeune fille _____ Margo a donne (a) une bague n'a pas envie

5. Cette dame a des filles pour______ elle s'est endettee

My answers
1. de laquelle
2. a laquelle
3. desquelles
4. a laquelle
5. auxquelles
Am i correct?

I'll send this to one of our French experts, SraJMcGin.

Please don't forget to put the accents where they belong!

1. Decide which preposition you need here because you can not have both "pour" and "de"plus who is the subject? Margo or il? As it is, this sentence makes no sense.

2. Voilà has an accent and so does "pensé."

3. poème requires an accent mark and it is "cette? fille" from whom the poems came.

4. donné has an accent mark.

5. Again, you can not have 2 prepositions, both "pour" and "à" in some form.

Please try to correct all 5 sentences. I'll flag this and come back later to see how you have done. Once you write the sentences, translate them to be sure you are on the right track!

Sra (aka Mme)

My answers

1. desquelles
2. auquel
3. desquels
4. auxquelles
5. a laquelle

And about the "pour" and "de" this is how the sentence was given by my teacher.. so i cant change them i don't think..

I just need to know if im right or not, and the right answers..

about the accents i know them i just cant type them here.

1. keep the pour and delete "la" = pour laquelle

2. à laquelle

3. de laquelle

4. à laquelle

5. pour lesquelles

Please study these answers and be sure you know WHY. I'll come back again in case you don't understand why you missed them all. My giving you the answers is not at ALL the way we do these. You will not learn like that.

Sra (aka Mme)

Your answers are not entirely correct. Here are the correct forms of "lequel" for each sentence:

1. Margo rêvait de sa sœur pour laquelle il avait de l'admiration. ("pour laquelle" - referring to the sister)
2. Voilà une solution à laquelle je n'ai jamais pensé. ("à laquelle" - referring to the solution)
3. Tout le monde admirait cette fille à laquelle on citait des poèmes fantastiques. ("à laquelle" - referring to the girl)
4. La jeune fille à laquelle Margo a donné une bague n'a pas envie. ("à laquelle" - referring to the girl)
5. Cette dame a des filles pour lesquelles elle s'est endettée. ("pour lesquelles" - referring to the daughters)

The correct forms of "lequel" depend on the gender and plurality of the noun it refers to. In this case, the correct forms are "laquelle" (feminine singular), "à laquelle" (feminine singular), "à laquelle" (feminine singular), "à laquelle" (feminine singular), and "lesquelles" (feminine plural), respectively.