simplify and evaluate where g=3


To simplify and evaluate the expression (2g-1)^2-2g+g^2, we substitute the value of g with 3 and perform the necessary calculations.

Step 1: Replace g with 3 in the expression.
(2(3)-1)^2 - 2(3) + 3^2

Step 2: Simplify the expression.
(6-1)^2 - 6 + 9
(5)^2 - 6 + 9

Step 3: Continue simplifying.
25 - 6 + 9

Step 4: Evaluate the expression.
25 - 6 + 9 = 19 + 9 = 28

Therefore, when g = 3, the simplified and evaluated value of (2g-1)^2-2g+g^2 is 28.