what features do African ape share with humans

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African apes, including chimpanzees, bonobos, and gorillas, share several features with humans due to our shared evolutionary history. Here are some of the key features:

1. Bipedalism: While humans are fully and habitually bipedal, African apes primarily walk on all fours but can also walk bipedally for short distances.

2. Highly developed brains: Like humans, African apes have large brains relative to their body size and possess complex cognitive abilities.

3. Tool use: Both humans and African apes are capable of using and creating tools. They exhibit advanced problem-solving skills and are known to fashion tools for tasks like foraging or social displays.

4. Social behavior: African apes, particularly chimpanzees and bonobos, live in complex social groups and exhibit intricate social dynamics involving cooperation, communication, and hierarchical structures.

5. Genetic similarity: Humans and African apes have a high degree of genetic similarity, with chimpanzees sharing about 98.7% of our DNA, making them our closest living relatives.

To find more specific and detailed information about the shared features between African apes and humans, you can consult scientific research articles, books, or reliable online sources specialized in primatology or anthropology.