In his literary work, A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier, Ishamael Beah uses symbols to underscore his central theme of oppression and/or freedom.

for this thesis statement, the three symbols I wana use are Cassettes, moon, and AK-47 gun.
Are these symbols correct?

Yes, the symbols you have chosen from the book A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier by Ishmael Beah can effectively underscore the central theme of oppression and/or freedom. Here's an explanation of how these symbols relate to this theme:

1. Cassettes: In the book, cassettes symbolize hope, freedom, and escapism. Beah and his friends find solace and motivation in listening to music on cassette tapes. The cassettes serve as a form of escapism from the harsh realities of war and oppression, offering a temporary relief and an emotional connection to a different world.

2. Moon: The moon serves as a recurring symbol throughout the memoir. It represents a sense of comfort, familiarity, and stability amidst the chaotic and oppressive circumstances. The moon symbolizes the presence of hope and the continuity of life, even in the darkest of times.

3. AK-47 Gun: The AK-47 gun is a powerful and pervasive symbol in Beah's story. It represents the cycle of violence, oppression, and loss of innocence associated with war. By describing the AK-47 gun and its effects on both the soldiers and the victims, Beah conveys the destructive impact of oppression and the loss of freedom.

By analyzing and exploring these symbols, you can effectively support your thesis statement on how Ishmael Beah uses symbols to emphasize the central theme of oppression and/or freedom in A Long Way Gone: Memoirs of a Boy Soldier.