If 3 pounds of apples costs .99 how much does 2 pounds costs?

0.99 / 3 = _?______ per pound

Take it from there.

or, since the ratio of lb/$ is constant,

.99/3 = x/2

To find out how much 2 pounds of apples cost given that 3 pounds cost $0.99, we can use a proportion.

A proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. In this case, we can set up a proportion using the weights and costs of the apples.

The proportion can be written as:

(3 pounds) / ($0.99) = (2 pounds) / (x)

Here, x represents the unknown cost of 2 pounds of apples.

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

(3 pounds) * (x) = (2 pounds) * ($0.99)

3x = 2 * $0.99

Now, we can solve for x:

3x = $1.98

Dividing both sides by 3:

x = $1.98 / 3

So, 2 pounds of apples cost approximately $0.66.