118 ft = ________yd____________ft .

21 ft 11 in =_______in
please explain how to solve these sums.
thank u

1 yard = 3 feet

118/3 = 39 1/3 yards = 39 yards, 1 foot

1 foot = 12 inches

(21 * 12) + 10 = _______ in

(21 * 12) + 11 = _______ in

Here is the SYSTEM for doing ALL conversions.

118 ft to yards.
118 ft x factor = yards
The factor is EITHER 1 yd/3ft or 3ft/1 yd. All you need to do is to decide which one of those factors to use. If you guessed you would be right 50% of the time. If you reason it out you will be right 100% of the time.
118 ft x factor = ? yd.
Try either factor.
118 ft x (1 yd/3 ft) = ? Note if you use this factor (the right one by the way) that the unit ft cancels and you are left with yards. Is that what you want? Yes. Just for the fun of it try the other factor to see how it works.
118 ft x (3 ft/1 yd) = ?
Note if you go with this one that the units do not cancel. In fact you get ft squared/yd and that isn't what you want. So of the two factors always available for conversions, use the one that cancels the unit you don't want to keep and changes to the unit you want.

To convert from feet to yards, you need to know the conversion factor that 1 yard is equal to 3 feet.

118 ft = ________yd____________ft

First, divide 118 ft by 3 to convert it to yards:
118 ft / 3 = 39.33 yards (rounded to two decimal places)

Now, to determine the remaining feet, multiply the decimal portion of the yards (0.33) by 3:
0.33 * 3 = 0.99 feet

So, 118 ft is equal to 39 yards and 0.99 feet.

21 ft 11 in =_______in

To convert from feet and inches to inches, you need to know that 1 foot is equal to 12 inches.

For this conversion, you have 21 feet and 11 inches. First, convert the feet to inches by multiplying by 12:
21 ft * 12 in/ft = 252 inches

Add the remaining inches to get the total:
252 inches + 11 inches = 263 inches

So, 21 ft 11 in is equal to 263 inches.