Classical Conditioning.

2. Pat feels fear whenever she sees snow. Not too long ago, she got into a car accident on a snowy road.
a. Name the unconditioned stimulus(US): Car accident
b. Name the conditioned stimulus(CS): Seeing snow
c. Name the unconditioned response(UR): Fear
d. Name the conditioned response(CR): Fear

3. Jason was at the bank when it was robbed. Although it happened some time ago, whenever he walks into the bank he feels scared.
a. Name the unconditioned stimulus(US): Bank was robbed.
b. Name the conditioned stimulus(CS): Every time he goes to the bank.
c. Name the unconditioned response(UR): Scared
d. Name the conditioned response(CR): Scared

Are these correct? Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

Same as the answer to your other question. If Jason was scared when the bank was robbed, that was an unconditioned response, being scared now when he enters a bank is a conditioned response. The question doesn't make this clear, however. It does not say what he felt the first time.

Yes, your answers are correct:

a. The unconditioned stimulus (US) in this scenario is the car accident.
b. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is seeing snow.
c. The unconditioned response (UR) is fear.
d. The conditioned response (CR) is fear.

a. The unconditioned stimulus (US) in this scenario is the bank robbery.
b. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is going to the bank.
c. The unconditioned response (UR) is feeling scared.
d. The conditioned response (CR) is feeling scared.

Well done! Let me know if you need help with anything else.

Yes, you have correctly identified the components of classical conditioning in both scenarios.

For Pat:
a. The unconditioned stimulus (US) is the car accident because it naturally and automatically elicits fear.
b. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is seeing snow because it became associated with the car accident and now triggers fear.
c. The unconditioned response (UR) is fear because it is a natural and automatic response to the car accident.
d. The conditioned response (CR) is also fear because it is now elicited by the conditioned stimulus (seeing snow).

For Jason:
a. The unconditioned stimulus (US) is the bank robbery because it naturally and automatically creates fear.
b. The conditioned stimulus (CS) is going to the bank because it became associated with the bank robbery and now triggers fear.
c. The unconditioned response (UR) is fear because it is a natural and automatic response to the bank robbery.
d. The conditioned response (CR) is also fear because it is now elicited by the conditioned stimulus (going to the bank).

Great job on identifying the elements of classical conditioning!