In Washington, D.C., what now rivals or exceeds power as the preeminent goal?

A. Political aspirations
B. Fame
C. Money
D. Political connections

I say it's money because is more powerful than ever. is this right?

I don't think money is the only main goal. The goals are as varied as the people. Our Congressman is very rich, but it's obvious that is preeminent goal is political aspirations in the form of power and committee chairmanships.

To determine the answer to this question, we need to assess the options provided and analyze the current situation in Washington, D.C.

Option A: Political aspirations. While political aspirations have always been significant in Washington, D.C., this option refers to whether it rivals or exceeds power as the preeminent goal. To determine if this is the case, we need to evaluate if political aspirations have become stronger or more influential in recent times.

Option B: Fame. Similar to political aspirations, fame has always been a factor in Washington, D.C. However, we need to consider if it has become a stronger driving force or if it now rivals or exceeds power as the preeminent goal.

Option C: Money. This option suggests that money has become the dominant goal, surpassing power itself. To evaluate this, we need to examine the influence of money in Washington, D.C., and assess whether it has become more significant than power.

Option D: Political connections. Political connections have always played a crucial role in Washington, D.C. However, we need to determine if they have become a more significant factor than power itself.

Considering the current situation, it can be argued that money has indeed become a powerful rival to or even surpasses power as the preeminent goal in Washington, D.C. The influence of money in politics has increased over time, with the growing significance of campaign financing, lobbying, and corporate interests. Wealthy individuals and corporations often have substantial influence and access to policymakers. However, it is important to note that this answer may be subjective, and different perspectives might exist.

In summary, it seems reasonable to say that money, option C, is now a powerful rival to or even exceeds power as the preeminent goal in Washington, D.C.