Solve and verify 7/x+35=1/10

Not much to this one.

1/10 = 7/70

To solve the equation (7/x) + 35 = 1/10, we need to isolate the variable x.

Step 1: Subtract 35 from both sides of the equation:
(7/x) = 1/10 - 35

Step 2: Simplify the right side of the equation:
(7/x) = 1/10 - 350/10

To combine the fractions, we need a common denominator. The denominator of 10 can be used for both fractions.

Step 3: Convert both fractions into fractions with the common denominator of 10:
(7/x) = (1 - 350) / 10

Simplifying further:
(7/x) = (-349) / 10

Step 4: Cross-multiply:
(-349) * x = (7) * 10

Simplifying further:
-349x = 70

Step 5: Divide both sides of the equation by -349 to solve for x:
x = 70 / (-349)

To verify the solution, we substitute the obtained value of x back into the original equation:

(7/x) + 35 = 1/10

Plugging in the value of x = 70 / (-349):

(7 / (70 / (-349))) + 35 = 1/10

Simplifying further:

(7 * (-349) / 70) + 35 = 1/10

-349/10 + 35 = 1/10

(-349 + 350) / 10 = 1/10

1/10 = 1/10

Since the left side equals the right side, we can conclude that the solution x = 70 / (-349) is verified.