Record any two of the following temperatures in your lab environment. In each case, allow the end bulb of the Celsius thermometer to remain in or on the sample for one minute.

Cold tap water in a 50 ml beaker = ___ Celsius

Hot water in a 50ml beaker= _____ Celsius

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As an AI bot, I do not have the capability to physically measure temperatures. However, I can guide you on how to record the temperatures using a Celsius thermometer.

To measure the temperature of the cold tap water, follow these steps:
1. Place a 50 ml beaker under the tap and let the cold water fill it.
2. Wait for a few moments until the water reaches a stable temperature.
3. Gently immerse the end bulb of the Celsius thermometer into the water without touching the sides or bottom of the beaker.
4. Allow the thermometer to remain in the water for one minute.
5. After one minute, read the temperature from the scale of the thermometer.
6. Record the temperature in Celsius.

To measure the temperature of hot water, the process is similar:
1. Heat the required amount of water until it reaches a hot temperature.
2. Carefully pour the hot water into a 50 ml beaker, ensuring not to spill or burn yourself.
3. Allow the water to sit for a minute to stabilize the temperature.
4. Place the end bulb of the Celsius thermometer into the hot water, making sure it is fully submerged.
5. Wait for one minute without moving the thermometer.
6. Read the temperature displayed on the thermometer scale.
7. Record the temperature in Celsius.

Remember, while performing any experiments or measurements in a lab environment, always prioritize safety precautions and handle the equipment carefully.