Help please!

Write an expression for the cost c, if a printer charges $1.75 for binding, plus 5 cents for p pages for copies of a community groups annual report

Thanks I have a mental block with these problems.


No worries, I'm here to help!

To write an expression for the cost "c" of printing copies of the community group's annual report, we need to consider two factors: the cost for binding and the cost per page.

The problem states that the printer charges $1.75 for binding. This is a fixed cost that doesn't depend on the number of pages. So, we can start by adding $1.75 to our expression.

Next, the problem states that there is an additional charge of 5 cents for each page of the report. This means that for each page (let's call it "p"), we add 5 cents to the total cost. Since there can be multiple pages, we need to multiply the number of pages by the cost per page. So, we can add 0.05p to our expression.

Combining these two parts, we get the expression for the total cost "c" as:

c = $1.75 + 0.05p

This expression represents the total cost in dollars when printing a report with "p" pages, taking into account both the binding cost and the additional cost per page.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.