Which is more correct:

Everyone of us has
Everyone of us have

"everyone" is singular, as in every person, therefore requies a singular verb form: "has".

The correct sentence would be "Everyone of us has."

In this sentence, "everyone" is a singular pronoun, so the verb "has" should also be singular to match. The word "have" is used for the plural form of the pronoun "we."

To determine the correct verb form in such cases, you can break down the sentence into its component parts. Here, "everyone" is the subject, and "of us" is a prepositional phrase that follows it. Since "everyone" is treated as a singular noun, we use the singular verb form "has" to agree with it.

So, next time you encounter a similar sentence, remember to use the singular verb form "has" when the subject is "everyone" or any other singular pronoun, and the plural verb form "have" when the subject is plural, like "we."