Describe 3 experiments, run prior to 1930, and the types of energies/particles used to probe the structure of the atom. What did each experiment investigate? Include the names of the scientists associated with each experiment in your answer

Would this be right?
Prior to 1930, radioactivity was discovered with three different types: alpha, beta, and gamma particles. With alpha particles, Rutherford and Chadwick were able to discover two parts of the atom: the nucleus and neutron, respectively. Rutherford did the gold foil experiment, with Chadwick doing a similar one. Thomson founded the electron with the cathode ray tube, powered by a high electrical voltage.

Good except the first sentence is misleading. Those experiments did not discover "radioactivity". They were studies into the structure of matter as described in the problem statement. For discovery of radioactivity see "Madame Curie". for example :

If I were to rewrite this paragraph, should I scratch the first sentence and add it to the bottom with a bit of change in it?

Your response is partially correct. However, there are a few inaccuracies in your answer. Let's correct them and provide a more detailed description of each experiment:

1. The Gold Foil Experiment (1909) - Ernest Rutherford:
In this experiment, Rutherford, along with his colleagues Hans Geiger and Ernest Marsden, aimed to investigate the structure of the atom. They used alpha particles as the probes. A beam of alpha particles was directed at a thin gold foil. According to the prevailing "plum pudding" model proposed by J.J. Thomson, the positive charge and mass of an atom were thought to be dispersed uniformly throughout the atom.

However, the results of the experiment were unexpected. Most alpha particles went straight through the foil, while a small fraction scattered at large angles. Rutherford's interpretation of this observation led to the discovery of the atomic nucleus. He concluded that the positive charge and most of the atom's mass are concentrated in a tiny, dense region at the center, called the nucleus. This experiment provided evidence for the existence of a compact atomic structure.

2. The Cathode Ray Tube Experiment (1897) - J.J. Thomson:
Thomson's experiment aimed to investigate the nature of cathode rays, which were later identified as streams of electrons. He used a cathode ray tube, which had a partially evacuated glass chamber containing two metal electrodes: a negatively charged cathode and a positively charged anode. When a high electrical voltage was applied, a fluorescent screen placed at the end of the tube emitted visible light.

Thomson observed that the cathode rays were attracted to the positively charged end of the tube, suggesting that they carried a negative charge. Based on his measurements, Thomson determined the charge-to-mass ratio of electrons, which led to the discovery of these negatively charged particles. This experiment provided evidence for the existence of electrons and challenged the prevailing idea of an atom as an indivisible particle.

3. The Discovery of the Neutron (1932) - James Chadwick:
Chadwick's experiment aimed to investigate the mystery of the atomic mass. At the time, it was known that the atomic mass of an atom exceeded the sum of the masses of its protons and electrons. Chadwick utilized the particles emitted from radioactive sources to probe the atomic nucleus.

In his experiments, Chadwick bombarded a thin sheet of beryllium with alpha particles. He observed that a neutral radiation, later named neutrons, was produced by the collisions. These neutrons possessed roughly the same mass as protons but carried no electrical charge. This discovery explained the discrepancy between atomic mass and the sum of protons and electrons, improving our understanding of nuclear physics.

Overall, these three experiments and the scientists associated with them played crucial roles in unraveling the structure of the atom and paved the way for further developments in atomic and nuclear physics.