What does the narrator mean when she says the afternoon was 'sweet milk fresh' ?

Since I don't know what book, I can not say for sure. However, if a day were described that way, I would believe it to be an absolutely perfect day, delightful to all the senses.

thank you :)

Welcome entirely!

When the narrator describes the afternoon as 'sweet milk fresh', she is using a metaphor to convey the atmosphere and sensory experience of the afternoon. 'Sweet milk fresh' suggests a sense of purity, freshness, and tranquility. To understand the metaphor, it may be helpful to consider the qualities and associations of sweet milk.

To do this, you could start by reflecting on your own personal experiences with milk. What comes to mind when you think of milk? Some common associations may include its creamy texture, its comforting and nourishing qualities, its association with childhood, or its freshness when it is newly poured. By drawing on these associations, you can begin to discern the underlying meaning of the metaphor.

In this case, the narrator is likely suggesting that the atmosphere of the afternoon was calm, soothing, and untouched by any negative elements. The use of 'sweet' may also imply a pleasant and gentle quality. The phrase 'sweet milk fresh' helps to invoke a vivid sensory image that conveys a feeling of innocence and peacefulness.

To fully grasp the meaning of a metaphor, it is often helpful to consider the context in which it is used. By analyzing the surrounding text and understanding the narrator's intention, you can gain a deeper understanding of what she means by describing the afternoon as 'sweet milk fresh'.