Predict the answer to each question according to trends in the periodic table. Justify each answer based on the locations of the elements on the periodic table and/or the shell model.

a. Which has a greater atomic radius, Al or Cl?

b. Which has a greater ionic radius, Na or S?

c. Which has the greatest first ionization energy, Ca or Se?

d. Which has the greatest electronegativity, B or In?

What is it you don't know how to do? Radius increases as you go down the table and decreases as you move from left to right. Ionic radius is slightly different since electrons are being removed or added so shells are removed or expanded.

First IP depends upon how far that last electron is away from the nucleus and on the charge of the nucleus.
Electronegativity generally increases from left to right in the table and decreases from top to bottom.

okay thanks I didn't know that

a. To determine which element has a greater atomic radius, we need to look at their positions on the periodic table and the trend within a period and down a group. Based on the periodic table, Al (aluminum) is located on the left side of period 3, whereas Cl (chlorine) is located on the right side of period 3. Within a period, atomic radius generally decreases from left to right due to an increase in effective nuclear charge. In other words, as you move from left to right across a period, the number of protons in the nucleus increases, attracting the electrons more strongly, and thus reducing the atomic radius. Therefore, Cl would have a smaller atomic radius compared to Al.

b. Determining the greater ionic radius between Na (sodium) and S (sulfur) can be done by considering their positions on the periodic table and the trends within a period and down a group. Na is located on the left side of period 3, while S is situated on the right side of period 3. Within a period, ionic radius generally decreases from left to right due to the increase in effective nuclear charge. However, when forming ions, atoms tend to gain or lose electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration. Sodium typically loses an electron to form Na+ ion, which results in a decrease in the ionic radius compared to its atomic radius. On the other hand, sulfur tends to gain two electrons to form S2- ion, resulting in an increase in ionic radius compared to its atomic radius. Therefore, Sulfur (S) would have a greater ionic radius compared to Sodium (Na).

c. To determine which element has the greatest first ionization energy, we need to consider their positions on the periodic table and the trend within a period and up a group. Ca (calcium) is located in group 2, period 4, while Se (selenium) is situated in group 16, period 4. Within a period, first ionization energy generally increases from left to right due to an increase in effective nuclear charge and a decrease in atomic radius. Therefore, since Se is on the right side of the periodic table compared to Ca, it would have a greater first ionization energy.

d. Determining which element has the greatest electronegativity can be done by considering their positions on the periodic table and the trend within a period and up a group. B (boron) is located in group 13, period 2, while In (indium) is situated in group 13, period 5. Within a group, electronegativity generally decreases as you move down. Therefore, since In is located further down the group compared to B, it would have a lower electronegativity. Thus, B would have the greater electronegativity compared to In.