A child bringing her mouth into contact with a nipple is an example of a(n) _______ reflex.A. primitive B. endometric C. locomotor D. rudimentary

Answer is A

Yes, A.

Thank you


To determine the correct answer, we can break down the question and analyze the given options.

The question asks about a reflex that is exhibited when a child brings her mouth into contact with a nipple.

A. Primitive reflex: A primitive reflex is an automatic response that is present from birth or early infancy. It typically serves a protective or survival function. Examples of primitive reflexes include the sucking reflex, which is triggered when an object comes into contact with the mouth, as well as the rooting reflex, which causes a baby to turn its head towards any stimuli touching its cheek.

B. Endometric reflex: This option does not correspond to a known reflex, so we can eliminate it.

C. Locomotor reflex: Locomotor reflexes are related to movement, such as crawling or walking. Since the question specifically mentions the mouth coming into contact with a nipple, this does not correspond to a locomotor reflex. We can eliminate this option as well.

D. Rudimentary reflex: A rudimentary reflex is a reflex that is present in infancy but disappears as the child grows older. These reflexes typically serve a primitive function and are not essential for survival. Examples of rudimentary reflexes include the grasp reflex, where a baby will instinctively close its hand around any object that touches its palm, and the Babinski reflex, which causes the toes to fan out when the sole of the foot is stroked.

From the options provided, the correct answer is A. primitive reflex, as it aligns with the described action of a child bringing her mouth into contact with a nipple.