What is a republican?


Several definitions to choose from since you didn't capitalize the "r."

Here's the other word:

Main Entry: Democratic-Republican
Function: adjective
Date: 1818
: of or relating to a major American political party of the early 19th century favoring a strict interpretation of the constitution to restrict the powers of the federal government and emphasizing states' rights


A Republican refers to a member or supporter of the Republican Party, one of the two major political parties in the United States. In order to understand what a Republican is, we can look at a few key aspects:

1. Political Party: The Republican Party, also known as the Grand Old Party (GOP), was founded in 1854 and is one of the two dominant political parties in the United States. The party's platform generally emphasizes conservative principles, such as limited government, free-market capitalism, individual liberty, and a strong national defense.

2. Ideological Values: Republicans generally promote conservative ideologies, which advocate for individual freedom, limited government intervention in the economy, lower taxes, and a more traditional approach to social issues. They often prioritize economic growth, free trade, and national security.

3. Policy Positions: Republicans vary in their policy positions on a range of issues, which can include fiscal policy, social issues, immigration, healthcare, environmental regulations, and more. It is important to note that individual opinions and positions within the Republican Party can vary, so it is always advisable to research specific politicians or officials to have a more comprehensive understanding of their stances.

To gather more in-depth information on the Republican Party, its history, key figures, and current policy positions, you can access a variety of reliable sources such as books, political websites, party manifestos, scholarly articles, and news outlets. By examining multiple sources, you can develop a well-rounded understanding of what it means to be a Republican.