It costs $0.50 per square yard to waterproof canvas. What will it cost to waterproof a canvas truck cover that is 15'x24'?

15' by 24' = 5 * 8 = 40 square yards

40 * 0.5 = $________

isn't that area equal to 5x6 sq yards?

Ms Sue is right, my divider is not working right tonite.

To find the cost of waterproofing a canvas truck cover, we need to calculate the area of the cover first. The given dimensions are 15' x 24'.

1. Convert the dimensions to yards:
- Since there are 3 feet in a yard, we divide each dimension by 3 to convert to yards.
- 15' ÷ 3 = 5 yards
- 24' ÷ 3 = 8 yards

2. Calculate the area of the truck cover:
- Multiply the two dimensions together: 5 yards x 8 yards = 40 square yards

3. Determine the cost of waterproofing:
- It costs $0.50 per square yard to waterproof the canvas.
- Multiply the area (40 square yards) by the cost per square yard ($0.50):
40 square yards x $0.50 = $20

Therefore, it will cost $20 to waterproof a canvas truck cover that is 15'x24'.