Eight U.S. coins are worth a total of 38 cents. How many of the coins are dimes?

To find the number of dimes among eight U.S. coins worth a total of 38 cents, we can use a bit of algebra. Let's set up the problem:

Let x be the number of dimes.
Since we have a total of eight coins, the remaining coins must be nickels (8 - x nickels).
The value of x dimes is 10x cents.
The value of (8 - x) nickels is 5(8 - x) cents.

According to the problem, the total value is 38 cents. So, we can write the equation:

10x + 5(8 - x) = 38

Now, let's solve this equation step by step:

10x + 40 - 5x = 38

Combining like terms:

5x + 40 = 38

Subtract 40 from both sides:

5x = 38 - 40
5x = -2

Divide by 5:

x = -2/5

We have a problem here. The solution is not a whole number, which doesn't make sense in this context. Therefore, there must have been an error in the information provided or in the setup of the problem.

Please double-check the question or verify if there was any particular condition imposed on the coins.

make a list of possible coins to give you 38 cents

1 1 0 3
1 0 2 3
0 0 7 3

then pick the one where the sum of coins is 8